On the website of the Berliner Heimtierrunde you will find reports, information and events about animals in general and also specifically about dogs.

In addition to reports on illegal puppy trading and information on the situation in animal shelters, there are events on dog training and behavioral advice.

A very interesting and even free lecture by Dr. Stephan Gronostay was about dealing with aggressive and potentially dangerous dogs.

As a dog trainer, the lecture confirmed and inspired me in my work.

Dogs, and animals in general, have their own characters just like humans and every training session with our dogs should be tailored to their individual needs. 

It is always an advantage to contact an experienced dog trainer if you have problems dealing with your four-legged friend. This can, among other things, save the animal a lot of suffering.

Click here to go to the website


You can also find the lectures of the Berlin Pet Rounds on their YouTube channel

